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Municipality of Ethelbert Certified Resolution Form

July 11, 2024

Number: 122_-2024

MOVED by Councillor: Greg Woytkiewicz

SECONDED by Councillor: Mike Semeniuk

WHEREAS agricultural production has historically been the most ubiquitous contributor to generations of farmers and the local economy of the Municipality of Ethelbert;

AND WHEREAS due to the excessive rainfall being experienced in our Municipality from May 1, 2024 to present, the local farmers are experiencing extremely high-water tables and overland flooding of their farmer land, both seeded and unseeded;

AND WHEREAS much of the land is inaccessible preventing access to cut hay for winter feeding, herds are unable to pasture due to extreme saturation causing many medical issues;

AND WHEREAS the on-going extreme precipitation also extends to fruit farmers, bee keepers and farmers who rely on garden produce for sustainability;

AND WHEREAS the Municipality of Ethelbert has received an average of 233 mm of rainfall from May 1, 2024 to July 1, 2024, 163% above normal 30-year average accumulation causing personal and financial hardships for everyone affected;

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that Council for the Municipality of Ethelbert hereby declare a State of Agricultural Disaster and request that the Province of Manitoba introduce a financial assistance program and make it available to all producers affected.


I, Melissa Moroz, Acting Chief Administrative Officer for the Municipality of Ethelbert, in Manitoba, do hereby certify that the above Resolution is a true and correct copy of Resolution No. 122-2024 that was passed by the Council for the Municipality of Ethelbert in session assembled from its Council Chambers on the 11th day of July, 2024 

Melissa Moroz, Acting Chief Administrative Officer 

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