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Public notice is hereby given that the Assessment Roll for the Municipality of Ethelbert will be delivered to the Municipal Office in Ethelbert, Manitoba, and will be open for public inspection during regular business hours.  Applications for revisions may be made in accordance with Section 42 & 43 of the Assessment Act.

Application for Revision

42 (1) A person in whose name property has been assessed, a mortgagee in possession of property under Section 114(1) of The Real Property Act, an occupier of the premises who is required under the terms of a lease to pay the taxes on the property, or the assessor may make application for the revision of an assessment roll with respect to:

  1. liability to taxation;
  2. amount of an assessed value;
  3. classification of property; or
  4. refusal by an assessor to amend the assessment roll under subsection 13(2).

Application Requirement

43(1) An application for revision must;

  1. be made in writing;
  2. identify the roll number and legal description of the assessable property for which a revision is sought;
  3. state the grounds on which the application is based; and
  4. be filed by:
    1. delivering it or causing it to be delivered to the office indicated in the public notice given under subsection 41(2), or
    2. Serving it to the Board of Revision Secretary, at least 15 days before the scheduled sitting date of the board as indicated in the public notice.

The Board of Revisions will sit on October 10th, 2024; at 9:45 A.M. in the Council Chambers at the Municipality of Ethelbert Office located at 56 Second Avenue South to hear applications.

Applications must be received by September 24th, 2024.

Dated this 30th day of August, 2024
Melissa Moroz, Acting CAO
Municipality of Ethelbert
Box 115 Ethelbert, MB R0L 0T0